Years of research on teacher quality support the fact that effective teachers not only make students feel good about school and learning, but also that their work actually results in increased student achievement.
Do learning styles actually exist? Short answer: NO. This answer is sure to produce a lot of controversy because many students, teachers, administrators, and educational policy makers believe they do. I only ask that you check the research, which would include doing a simple Google search of the question “do learning styles exist”.
Here are some resources:
Lecture and note taking have fallen out of favor, particularly in high school. In my opinion, this is an huge mistake. While note taking is not the most effective way to learn, it is still effective, and it is also very efficient. Project based work is more effective, but it has drawbacks in that it takes both a large amount of resources and much larger periods of time to cover the material. There are no better ways then PBL to teach teamwork, collaboration, and problem solving skills but other learning objectives are often narrow and non-transferrable. Self directed learning also has major (and often unrecognized) drawbacks as well, but similarly has other advantages. Lecture must continue to be one of the main methods for instruction, but cannot be the only method of instruction.
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